mercredi 21 décembre 2016

8 Tips to Handle Holiday Stress

8 Tips to Handle Holiday Stress
Don't let the festive season derail your fitness gains. Here's how to maintain a sound mind and body.

Schedule Time for Yourself
Exercise may not be your cup of tea, but by taking an hour to yourself daily, you can relax a bit. Read, watch a favorite show or sporting event, or stop by your local watering hole for a beer.

Hang Out With Friends

The holiday season can be a time to take stock of your life. You may long for times before loved ones died. You may feel alone if you’re not dating someone or depressed about your career options. Don't throw yourself a pity party or compare yourself to others. Instead, surround yourself by people who support you.

8 Tips to Handle Holiday Stress

Anticipate Possible Outcomes
This will be the one time per year that you can’t avoid your corporate ladder-climbing cousin or your parents’ friends who want to set you up with their daughter. Instead of avoiding them, walk over, say hello, and move on. Then, you won’t have to fear your eventual meeting.

Volunteer For Groups that Need Help
There are many ways to offer help to those in need, said April Masini, a New York relationship expert. Organize a food drive at your office or clean out your cabinets of non-perishable items. You can also round up old coats, hats, and gloves to donate. If you’d like to shop for someone else, consider sponsoring a family to buy gifts for children and adults who may not receive presents otherwise.
Get more seasonal fit tips with the Lifter's Guide to the Holidays>>

