mardi 27 décembre 2016

11 Reasons Why You Can't Lose Your Back Fat

11 Reasons Why You Can't Lose Your Back Fat
 Pinpoint those hard-to-reach areas for a shredded back.

1 - 12 Carve Your Back
Everyone has their trouble areas. I often work with clients that have trouble shedding stubborn back fat. It can be frustrating, especially since you can’t spot reduce. The appearance of back fat most commonly results from a combination of several things including atrophy of the muscles of the back and excess body fat. Atrophy of the back muscles basically means that they have lost their strength and muscle tone.

 The main causes of muscle atrophy include poor nutrition and a lack of targeted exercise (resistance training). Poor nutrition and a lack of exercise are also related to excess body fat, the second contributor to back fat. The combination of both of these contribute to excess fat tissue accumulation around the back and promotes the appearance of back flab around your upper and lower back as well as around your sides. The flab around your lower back and sides greatly contribute to the appearance of 'muffin top'.

The good news is, you can get rid of the excess fat. Rather than just focusing on calorie burning, you’re going to have to construct a focused plan that avoids these things..


