mardi 29 novembre 2016

11 Ways to Fix Shoulder Pain

11 Ways to Fix Shoulder Pain

11 Ways to Fix Shoulder Pain 

Here are 11 tips and exercises that will help you alleviate shoulder pain and restore proper joint health.

 8 of 12 7. Fire your lower traps   

The lower traps are the Meg Griffin of muscles – no one really cares about them. Yet they’re critical in getting your shoulders to sit the right position, encourage good posture, and allow for clean movement in your shoulder blades.

Because of the way the lower traps aim – known as “pennation” – it’s activated when you make a Y-shape with your arms. (Imagine the Village People, if you will.) Strengthen your lower traps with exercises like:
Try exercises like:
    - Scapular wall slides
    - Prone Ys
    - Wide-grip pulldowns..”

