dimanche 15 mai 2016

5 Worst Things to Do to Build Bigger Shoulders

  5 Worst Things to Do to Build Bigger Shoulders

  5 Worst Things to Do to Build Bigger Shoulders 

Avoid these training mistakes in your quest to construct dynamic delts. 

4 of 6 Lack of Intensity 

Developing a truly exceptional pair of cannonball delts is no easy task. I think we often see far more impressive chests and arms than shoulders out there in the land of iron. In fact, up until a few years back I myself realized my delts were not nearly as developed in relation to my pecs, and this was making my overall “aesthetics” suffer.

At this point I altered my plan of attack and began to utilize all sorts of “intensity techniques” to increase TUT (time under tension) and the amount of punishment I was dealing to my delts. Every shoulder workout included a variety of one or more of the following growth tactics: Supersets, Tri-sets, Rest Pause, Eccentric emphasis, Pre-Exhaustion, Post Activation, 1 and ½ reps, etc.

It did not take long for my shoulders to “submit,” and now they match my chest and arms better than ever before. Always remember – “Muscles do not grow when you whisper at them. Most often you have to SCREAM!”

SEE ALSO: Get Supersized with Supersets >>>.

