vendredi 14 octobre 2016

7 Hardcore Chest Exercises for the Advanced Lifter

7 Hardcore Chest Exercises for the Advanced Lifter

7 Hardcore Chest Exercises for the Advanced Lifter

    Be prepared to bring it with these extreme pec-thrashers.    

1 of 8 Pec Punishers

The famous philosopher Heraclitus teaches you cannot go in the same river twice because all things are in motion and nothing is at rest. A similar analogy holds true to you, as a lifter.

SEE ALSO: 8 Best Non-Bench Chest Exercises

As you evolve and advance in your lifting career, you become a different lifter, and a greater variety and more advanced stimuli is needed to grow. Today we are going to provide you, the advanced lifter, with that needed stimuli by sharing seven exercises that will help take your chest to the next level..
