jeudi 13 octobre 2016

10 Anatomy Facts Every Bodybuilder Should Know

 10 Anatomy Facts Every Bodybuilder Should Know

 10 Anatomy Facts Every Bodybuilder Should Know 

    From beginner gym goer to competitive bodybuilder, every weightlifter can use these tips to build muscle    

11 of  11  Lift in Weightlifting Shoes

Deadlifting or squatting without shoes isn’t as dangerous as say, doing a CrossFit WOD without shoes, but there’s no gain from doing compound lifts without shoes.

“I really don’t think there are many benefits from lifting barefoot,” says Norton, “Many people find it hard to keep their knees from starting to valgus (cave in) without shoes.”

With that said, Olympic weightlifting shoes (ones with a firm, sometimes wooden, heel), provide the stability necessary to power through heavy lifts like the squat and deadlift.

“It’s not something that’s been explored scientifically much but I think there is a benefit of deadlifting and squatting in Olympic weightlifting shoes,” says Winchester, “When I was a strength coach at LSU, the football players lifted in Olympic lifting shoes because it provides the stability necessary to produce more force.”

Check out our three top weightlifting shoes and start making and hitting new P.R.s.
