dimanche 23 octobre 2016

7 Ways to Crush Your Bodybuilding Competition

In the world of physique shows, the smallest edge can bring you victory.

3 of  8 Take Time to Get Lean

Conditioning often outperforms mass. The best way to make it look like you've gained 10lbs of muscle is to lose 10lbs of fat. The more conditioned you are, the more muscularity you will see. You can appear more muscular than someone who is 10-20lbs heavier than you. You never want to rush your contest diet. Usually diets that are 12 weeks or less are more calorically severe, meaning they will require you to be in a much bigger caloric deficit for a longer time causing you to lose more muscle. Someone who takes upward of 25 weeks to prepare for a contest has plenty of time to get lean and they will not have to be in such a big deficit. In fact these individuals who take their time dieting can be stage ready weeks in advance, then they can begin adding carbs and food back in. This helps the athlete to fill out and actually gain back some muscle fullness going into a show. When you rush dieting you run the risk of losing a lot of your hard earned muscle and you can end up looking stringy and flat on show day

