mardi 18 octobre 2016

7 Hardcore Chest Exercises for the Advanced Lifter

7 Hardcore Chest Exercises for the Advanced Lifter

7 Hardcore Chest Exercises for the Advanced Lifter

    Be prepared to bring it with these extreme pec-thrashers.    

5 of 8 Spoto Press
In 2013, out of nowhere, Eric Spoto broke the raw world record in the bench press which had been standing since 2005. Training videos started surfacing of this barrel-chested gargoyle built like a slab stone pressing huge weights.

A close inspection of the videos of Spoto bench pressing showed he never actually touched the barbell to his chest; he would stop the barbell about an inch off his chest. There, while remaining as tight as possible, the barbell was suspended in air at a standstill. This forced Spoto to stay as tight as possible. After pausing the barbell in that position for one second, Spoto would forcefully press the barbell back to lockout. This technique removed any pretense of heaving and forced Spoto to stay tight.

Spoto Presses are all muscle and no momentum and are a building block for one of the biggest, strongest men of all-time, Eric Spoto.
