mardi 27 septembre 2016

6 Moves for Sick Lats

 6 Moves for Sick Lats

 6 Moves for Sick Lats 

    Pulldowns will only get you so far. Vary your pullup repertoire to build a wide, muscular back.    

4 of 7 3 KIPPING PULL-UP.  

The emphasis: Upper lats, teres major, biceps brachii

The breakdown: As a weight-room traditionalist, I am not a fan of these for building muscle thickness or even pure strength. Originally, this move was designed to help teach the body how to use momentum in climbing or gymnastics but due to the surge in CrossFit, it has become a mainstay of many conditioning programs. While the lats and upper back do get a workout as they initiate the movement, performing these early on will only enforce bad form and reduce your ability for good solid strength exercises later in your workout as the ballistic nature will both create a pump and instigate fatigue.

The plan: If you’re a dyed-in-the-wool CrossFitter, this is part of the required curriculum and so should be part of your regular training routine. If you’re new to the movement, be sure to train it only under the supervision of a knowledgeable and vigilant coach to limit your risk of injury. Because it places such a stretch on the fragile musculature of the shoulder joint, the small muscles of the rotator cuff may decide to revolt. In the context of a more traditional, size-and-strength focused routine, kipping pull-ups are an excellent way to finish a set of normal pull-ups. Once you hit initial failure on your controlled reps, add a handful (3-5) of kips to really finish off your lats.
SEE ALSO: 6 Moves for Sick Lats
