dimanche 31 juillet 2016

5 Advantages to Lifting Light Weight

 5 Advantages to Lifting Light Weight

 5 Advantages to Lifting Light Weight 

   Studies show that decreasing the load on your lifts can lead to greater muscle gains.    

6 of 6 Reduces Chance of Injury.  

What’s the biggest dread of deadlifters? Injury. Lifting weights heavier than your body can support, is a sure way to get on the disabled list. Moreover, prior muscle injury can increase the likelihood of future injury to the same muscle, this according to Andrew Vigotsky, a biomechanics researcher at New York’s Hospital for Special Surgery. There are several reasons for this he says, including scar tissue formation, which is usually weaker than connective or muscle tissue, setting you up for possible future injury

You simply can’t lift properly if you’re heaving too heavy. When your technique tumbles, so do your biomechanics. Add bad biomechanics to faulty form and you’re a shoe in for injury.

SEE ALSO: Top 10 Ways to Avoid Injury

