vendredi 8 avril 2016

5 Easy Ways to Start Building Bigger Biceps

Arm yourself with these top techniques to build biceps that have height, width and detail.

 5 Easy Ways to Start Building Bigger Biceps

3 of 6 Take a Seat 

By now, you probably know the benefits of partial movements. Completing reps through only part of an exercise help you to become stronger through that particular range. This is something that can be applied to your biceps training as well. But unlike 21s, which probably springs to mind when you think of biceps and partials, we are offering you a way to train heavy for the greatest gains. When you do a full range of motion (ROM) curl, you are limited to a weight that you can perform through the weakest portion of the ROM (if you're using proper form). Doing seated barbell curls, which remove the bottom half of the movement since the bar comes to rest on your thighs, helps you focus more stress on the biceps and you can place a greater overload on the biceps, since you are strongest in the top half of the ROM. Most guys can curl about 20-30% more weight on seated barbell curls than standing barbell curls. 

>> Tip: The best way to add seated barbell curls to your biceps training is to perform them first in your workout. Do about three sets of seated barbell curls and then follow them with 2-3 sets of full ROM standing barbell curls..
