dimanche 10 avril 2016

5 Easy Ways to Start Building Bigger Biceps

 5 Easy Ways to Start Building Bigger Biceps 

Arm yourself with these top techniques to build biceps that have height, width and detail.

 7 of 6 Bring Down the Hammer
For years bodybuilders considered hammer curls an afterthought exercise to be done at the end of arms for the forearms and brachiaclis. Yet research has now shown that hammer curls place the greatest amount of emphasis on the biceps long head. To really bring up this critical biceps head, you must consistently do hammer curls with your biceps workouts.

>> Tip: Try doing cross-body hammer curls. Instead of curling the weight straight out in front of your body, curl the weight in front of you at about a 45-degree angle from your torso, toward your opposites shoulder. This will place even greater emphasis on your biceps long head.

