lundi 25 décembre 2017

==> 4 Best Exercises For Stronger Abs

==> 4 Best Exercises For Stronger Abs

==> Having well-developed abs is key to forming a beautiful and healthy body. If you see a man with muscular arms and a strong chest, you don’t exactly expect him to have a beer belly, do you? Balance your exercise plan with a healthy diet and you will have ripped abs in a matter of months. To start off, here’s four killer exercises for obtaining powerful abs

Ab wheel rollouts

==> The ab wheel can be found in pretty much any fitness shop, and it’s an invaluable device for quick and healthy ab development. It is also incredibly easy to use, and much more effective than the traditional crunch. If you’re a beginner, do your rollouts while kneeling, as it will make them easier, although still demanding enough to strengthen your muscles

Hanging leg raises

==> Hanging leg raises are bound to build abs as hard as concrete when you do them right. Hang from a bar and curl your hips and knees to your chest, then return to the starting position. You will be developing strength and endurance, but flexibility as well. They will seem incredibly difficult at first since it is a difficult exercise, so don’t overdo it.


==> You never thought about doing squats for your abs, did you? Well, let us tell you that squats are undoubtedly one of the best exercises for training your upper body, as well as your lower body. Another fantastic thing about squats is how versatile they are – you gain muscle mass, lose body fat, improve your athletic performance overall, and build a strong and functional body all at the same time while doing squats


==> Similar to the squat, the deadlift can also help many parts of your body develop simultaneously, but your lower body and back are those that will feel the most punch. A couple of deadlifts a day for a couple of months and your abs will be harder than a mountain.


lundi 20 novembre 2017

8 Insider Tips To Build Your Ultimate Traps!

8 Insider Tips To Build Your Ultimate Traps!

Trapezius muscles can be really stubborn when it comes to growth, so you need to make some smart changes to how you train them. Here are eight great ways to make growth happen!

When you see someone with a big set of boulder shoulders, you can’t help but think of raw, rugged power—and traps are a big part of that. You’d be hard pressed to find a pro bodybuilder, pro wrestler, strongman competitor, or NFL lineman who doesn’t own thick, bulging traps that surround their neck like a couple of footballs.
8 Insider Tips To Build Your Ultimate Traps!

But, let’s face it, training traps doesn’t exactly provide instant gratification. If you’re like most lifters, you’ve done plenty of sets of shrugs without getting those beefy traps you’re after.

At this point in your training, you might have given up on your traps and figured they’re about as good as they’re going to get. But what if I told you there are ways to make your trapezius training infinitely more exciting and productive? What if I told you your traps can be bigger and better than they are now—no matter how long you’ve been training them?


dimanche 4 juin 2017

8 Best Chest Exercises You Haven’t Tried

8 Best Chest Exercises You Haven’t Tried

Sooner or later, all good things must come to an end. That Caribbean holiday on warm, sandy beaches overlooking azure seas. Your streak of luck in Vegas, in which you pocketed a fistful of cash at the blackjack table. And, sadly, your gains in the gym on chest day.
Everyone hits a plateau sooner or later on chest day, and you can attack these slumps in any number of ways. This article considers one of the most obvious: introducing novel exercises into your routine.

8 Best Chest Exercises You Haven’t Tried

Of course, you can’t just randomly slap together new movements and hope to grow. It’s best to learn from an expert—someone who has overcome chest-day plateaus before and has an arsenal of unique exercises. Luckily for you, MET-Rx athlete and four-time pro IFBB physique winner Jason Poston is here to share some of his favorite novel moves.

Give these exercises a shot on your next chest day to recruit the pecs from unique angles so the muscle fibers fire in a slightly different manner.


jeudi 1 juin 2017

5 Ways To Spark New Muscle Growth

5 Ways To Spark New Muscle Growth

Feeling frustrated that your body seems to have hit the “pause” button on your muscle and strength gains? If you’ve been following the same training split for a few months, it’s possible that your body has adapted to your regimen and stopped changing.

Basically, your body is lazy. It will do everything it can to adapt to a stimulus so it doesn’t have to work hard. After you pass the beginner phase, during which your body has no idea what you’re doing to it, it’ll begin to recognize your training and modify itself just enough to perform your workouts. If your body knows what’s coming, it’ll take the easy route to get through it.

5 Ways To Spark New Muscle Growth

The key to overcoming plateaus like this is variation. Stress your muscles into growing and getting stronger by changing your workouts. Need more specific advice? These Cellucor athletes have a few tricks up their sleeves. Here are five ways they vary their training regimens to ensure consistent gains!.


mardi 30 mai 2017

6 Fit Tips For Outsmarting “Average Joe” Genetics

6 Fit Tips For Outsmarting “Average Joe” Genetics

If you’ve been training consistently for five years or more and you’re not being hounded regularly to compete, model, or jump out of a cake at a party, you’re probably not the second coming of Flex Wheeler.

In fact, you’re probably just average.

“Average” isn’t some terrible affliction. Everyone has a certain “response potential” to resistance training, and for most people, that genetic potential is just average.

6 Fit Tips For Outsmarting “Average Joe” Genetics

There are very few Flex Wheelers out there—genetically marvels with long muscle bellies, ideal insertion points, and a higher percentage of fast-twitch fibers ideally suited to build muscle.

Of course, many people have gone far with less than ideal genetics—hard work and consistency are powerful things. While you can’t change your genes, you can work with them—and even around them.

I’ve put together a list of the most common average-person problems, and a remedy for each.


lundi 29 mai 2017

5 Rules To Build Strength And Size

5 Rules To Build Strength And Size

Some people want to get bigger. Others want to get stronger. But you, of course, want to get both bigger and stronger. So how do you do it? If you’re like many lifters, you probably had an “aha” moment where you thought you’d finally “figured out” this question and solved the riddle of periodization once and for all.

It’s simplicity itself, right? Just work up to a few sets of heavy doubles or triples for a strength stimulus, and then perform 1-3 (or more) back-off sets with lighter weights and high reps for hypertrophy development.

5 Rules To Build Strength And Size

This approach seems logical on the surface, and sure, it may work initially—what doesn’t? But pretty quickly, you no doubt found like many before you that it didn’t play out. Your strength gains came to a screeching halt, and muscle gains weren’t nearly as predictable as when you were training for hypertrophy alone.

The solution to this quandary has been known for decades. It’s called “block training” or linear periodization. Here’s how you can use it to stop struggling and start growing.


samedi 27 mai 2017

How To Build The Perfect 15-Minute Workout

How To Build The Perfect 15-Minute Workout

Many trainees believe they need a minimum of 30 minutes for an effective workout. And that’s just the minimum! This “more is better” mentality leads many people to spend up to two hours in the gym before they think they’ve done “enough.”

If you have that kind of time, spending it in the gym isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, if something unexpected pops up—sick kid, work emergency, car trouble, or any of life’s other frequent curveballs—to interrupt your schedule, it’s easy to get discouraged and skip your workout altogether..

How To Build The Perfect 15-Minute Workout

When life springs a surprise on you, don’t give up on your day’s fitness goals. You can actually perform an effective workout with only 15 minutes to spare! But before you start throwing shorter workouts into your schedule with abandon, it’s important to learn a few simple rules so you can make the absolute most of your time.
